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Robotic Revisional Obesity Surgery

robotik revizyonel cerrahi nedir? Prof.Dr.Abdulkadir Bedirli İzmir - Ankara

Robotic Revisional Obesity Surgery

Obesity surgeries have been performed with increasing frequency in the last half century, especially in the USA and all over the world. The demand for obesity surgeries has led to an increase in revision surgeries after these surgeries. While the revision requirement was around 90% in the initial years of bariatric surgery, today this rate varies between 2-5%. However, the increasing number of patients undergoing bariatric surgery to very high numbers causes a large number of patients to need revision procedures.

Why Revision Surgery is Performed?

In a patient undergoing bariatric surgery, revision may be required for weight-related or complications. Two different weight problems are experienced after bariatric surgery; The first of these is the failure to lose weight targeted according to the surgical procedure applied for that patient, and the other is to lose more weight than the targeted weight. Apart from this, revision may be required in the following complications related to bariatric surgery. These complications are; marginal ulcer or fistula after gastric bypass, persistent recurrent vomiting after gastric band or sleeve gastrectomy, protein malnutrition after duodenal switch and severe reflux disease after sleeve gastrectomy. Before revision surgery, blood work, radiological examinations and endoscopy should be applied to the patients. You may also need treatment for vitamin or nutrient deficiencies before surgery.

Gastric Bypass - Gastric Band - Gastric Sleeve-İzmir-Ankara

How Safe Is the Fix?

Correction surgeries are more complex procedures than initial weight loss surgeries. Surgeon experience is an important factor influencing revisional patient outcomes. While these surgeries for excessive weight loss have the highest risk, revisions for insufficient weight loss carry less risk. The use of robotic technology for revisional surgery assists the surgeon in facilitating the complex procedure to be performed. The patient results of the recently published robotic revisions are remarkable.

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